Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Hey there!  My name is Cassidy Hardesty and I am a certified Interior Designer and a repetitive mover.  The second one I am pretty exhausted from so I am putting my foot down and this is it for me, right?!  I like to at least hope so!  My husband David has even encouraged me to get rid of boxes, but I just cant part with all of them, I mean they are part of the family at this point!

When I added up the number of apartments, townhouses, condos, and houses my husband and I have lived in together it was quite alarming, 10!  We have moved 10 times in 14 years and 4 of those times included moves to different states, all for my husbands job.  And, 2 of those included newborns, a nice way to get out of some of the heavy lifting I must say!

While it seams mentally and physically exhausting, I prefer to look at it like getting clean design slate every few years.  In my professional life I focus solely on commercial design, so it has been really a nice outlet to let my residential side run free, well, as free as my budget would allow for!

Most of the places we have lived in were rentals, so besides paint there wasn't much else that could be done. I do look back and realize I had a lot more free time on the weekends in the apartment/condo years, which was lovely.  But, I really enjoy a good project and seeing the visions in my head come to life and our current local has and will continue to allow for me to flourish as a designer!


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