Friday, August 26, 2016

The First Of Many

I have worked from home in retail interior design for almost 9 years now, never of which were in a real dedicated office.  I started out in the spare bedroom, then moved out to the living room, then a different spare bedroom, a kitchen counter, and then finally a dining room table before settling into my new cozy office.  Its all a result our family's habitual moving, which in turn has been made possible by the fact that I can work from home.  So I cant complain, but today I rejoice!  Look at my new office....oh wait, its a big white boring can I possibly be expected to think creatively in a space like this?  The only thing awesome about this space are those nice vacuum lines!!!

So my first challenge, this is the very first room of the house, so that means it kind of has to look good, you know that whole first impression thing?!?! 

In our last house we had these awesome built in bookcases, I knew this would be a great place to add something like that, plus I needed all the storage I could get for files, craft supplies and all the other stuff that needs somewhere to be stored!  They would be simple. functional and create the focal point that this room oh so needed!

The Plan View

As I mentioned before, I like to do a lot of things myself.  There is a lot of satisfaction that comes with coming up with a design and making it happen.  I was lucky that my husband David has this same passion and we have come up with a pretty good system.  I design it, he builds it, and I finish it.  As much as I would love to help with it all, someone has got to take care of these two crazies!  So if that means taking them to the pool on a beautiful sunny day while he slaves away in peace and quiet, so be it, sometimes you have to take one for the team!!  I will get my pay back, for sure....

Let me start out by saying, neither one of us has ever done anything like built in cabinets, but I must say David did an amazing job and they are pretty spot on the drawings too!  Let me also take a minute to point out that I had no expectation of crown molding all the way around the room.  I had once witnessed my mom trying to install crown molding as a kid.  The amount of cussing and yelling involved probably scarred me for life, so I would never wish that frustration on anyone else, but I think he nailed it (insert drum sound effect!)

Now its my turn for some fun! Time for the finishing touches....

Through trial and error I had recalled that it was best to tint the primer.  Save yourself some time and always tint the primer of you are using dark colors!!!!  You can also see the freshly stained countertops

The finishing color - Sherwin Williams Night Owl against the stained counter top (mixture of Minwax Special Walnut and Classic Gray) with a matte Lacquer finish.  Side note, I know I wrote "poly" on  my honey go get me list (short for polyurethane, of course) but lacquer is what he brought me.  "Its the same right?"he not really.  I was a little hesitant as its synonymous for those high gloss oriental type pieces, not really the look I was going for here.  After testing a spot out I decided to go for it, and as a plus, it didn't need to be sanded in between coats, score!  I have to say it didn't turn out too bad.

And the finished overall product!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Rewind

For as far back as I can remember I have had a LOVE for houses and what all goes into making them beautiful.  It's fun to think back to where is all started!

Barbie's, yes, my love for designing and planning goes back to my Barbie years!  My friends and I would play for hours, rocking out to Billy Ocean and Paula Abdul in the background (I love the 80's).  Each day we would start out by picking out our furniture and taking over a corner in some room and creating that days house, weekend after weekend.  Talk about space planning at an early age!

I was recently coerced into cleaning out my mom's attic, look what I found! 

Then there was the time that, as I was riding my bike to the pool, I passed an "open house" sign in a yard.  I had to have been around 10 and had no concept of what that meant, other than the house was open from 2-4 for us to come back and see it.  I wonder what that realtor was thinking when they let a pack of 10 year old girls into a house showing, dripping wet from the pool.  Great tour though!

And finally...before there was ever such a thing called HGTV, there was Bob Villa and Hometime!  When I wasn't playing Barbie's or at the pool, I was watching how to's on how to install tile and refinish wood floors, while sketching up the floor plans of my dream house.

So when it came to college and picking a major I was fortunate to firmly know what I wanted to major in, Interior Design!  I love looking back at some of these old perspectives from my school days:

Residential Design - Beach House Project Option 1 (Bald Head Island, NC)
Residential Design - Beach House Project Option 1 (Bald Head Island, NC)
Residential Design Beach House Project Option 2 (Phuket, Thailand)
Residential Design Beach House Option 2 (Phuket, Thailand)

Commercial Design - Northwest Fresh Grocery Store

Commercial Design - Northwest Fresh Grocery Store

Institutional Design - College Of Design

Institutional Design - College of Design

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Hey there!  My name is Cassidy Hardesty and I am a certified Interior Designer and a repetitive mover.  The second one I am pretty exhausted from so I am putting my foot down and this is it for me, right?!  I like to at least hope so!  My husband David has even encouraged me to get rid of boxes, but I just cant part with all of them, I mean they are part of the family at this point!

When I added up the number of apartments, townhouses, condos, and houses my husband and I have lived in together it was quite alarming, 10!  We have moved 10 times in 14 years and 4 of those times included moves to different states, all for my husbands job.  And, 2 of those included newborns, a nice way to get out of some of the heavy lifting I must say!

While it seams mentally and physically exhausting, I prefer to look at it like getting clean design slate every few years.  In my professional life I focus solely on commercial design, so it has been really a nice outlet to let my residential side run free, well, as free as my budget would allow for!

Most of the places we have lived in were rentals, so besides paint there wasn't much else that could be done. I do look back and realize I had a lot more free time on the weekends in the apartment/condo years, which was lovely.  But, I really enjoy a good project and seeing the visions in my head come to life and our current local has and will continue to allow for me to flourish as a designer!


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Major Midwest Remodel

Before we get into the latest and greatest, I couldn't help but share our house remodel in Missouri...

We bought this house when I was 9 months pregnant with our 2nd child.  Not something I would EVER recommend but we didn't really have a choice in the timing.  David said he knew it was the one when he saw the look on my face.  It was the staircase that caught my attention first and it was love at first site.  Not for the way it was, but for the way it could be.  We would spend the next 2 1/2 years putting all of my design thoughts into reality.


My first task, our daughter Harper's room.  This was the first move she would have remembered so we wanted to make her transition as smooth as possible and a fancy new room was first on the list.  The before was horrible, something out of the early nineties when burgundy, gold and hunter green were popular.

Baby Jack was a great sleeper, the kind you had to wake to feed  or he would sleep through the day.   Rather that sleeping when he slept and all that advice they tell you about resting when you can..... I chose to strip wallpaper and paint, because it was just that bad and I was excited to get started!

I knew I wanted something fun.  Where else can you pull off hot pink stripes but in a little girls room.  I had made the curtains for her previous room and pulled the colors from there.  I went with Sherwin Williams Jocular Green for the bottom and Fussy pink/Marshmallow for the stripes.  It was a great compromise for David, as he wasn't as excited for the pink as much as I was.


After some time to recover from the first project we got to work on the living room.  I have a lot of ideas but I love it when David can help execute them, team work!  The exterior of the house is a cape cod style, so what better feeling than to go with some coastal touches.  I love the look of board and batten, if I could I would put it everywhere!

We lived with the before (more chair railing and peach sponge paint, again with the nineties touches) for as long as we could, which was 3 months too long!

We removed all the baseboards and the chair rail and put up the board and batten up.  Our initial thought was to keep the fireplace surround and just paint it white, but after everything was up the scale of it just didn't fit.  So constructing a new mantle was project number 2.  After that came painting the cabinets, a quite difficult task since  Jack was crawling at this time.  All of the trim work was done in Sherwin Williams Marshmallow, this blue paint unfortunately is the only color in the whole house I cant seem to remember, but it was from Home Depot.


David got full creative control over his man room and that meant one room I didn't have to paint!  He did a great job.  We were both happy to see the abundance of dental molding go away and had quite a generous drapery donation to the salvation army that month. 

After painting and adding new lighting, again it was decided that the mantle just wouldn't do as is.  He found a hand hewn piece of wood, cut and sanded it to fit and then finished it with Danish oil.


We got lucky with this room!

The paint was neutral enough as it was, so all we had to do was move his stuff in!


What better time to start a new project than right before the holidays!  This is the best motivator we have going for us, because if there is no deadline, then we are going to drag it out for FOREVER!!!  The bathroom could have really used a total gut job but with a whole house to do it just wasn't in the budget.

Since paint is the cheapest way to change anything I started with that.  The oak cabinets were sanded down and finished with Sherwin Williams Fawn Brindle and the walls were Watery.  After changing out the mirror and the faucet I think it looked pretty great for minimal work!


When we bought this house I was kind of excited to have a "formal" dining room.  But after we got our furniture in there it was revealed how small it really was, and how stupid it was to have 2 tables on either side of the wall that divided the kitchen from the dining room.  We had talked about it for a while but just couldn't pull the trigger.  Until one Sunday morning while eating breakfast we had shimmied one last time past the high chair to get the other side of the room.  After that David was ripping down walls in his pajamas and it was like a breath of fresh air, well, if you don't think about all the dust we live in for months!

We got really lucky that the previous homeowner picked out a tile floor that we liked.  Not only was it pretty, but after about a month of living there I decided it was time to probably sweep the floor, don't judge me I had a newborn!  I had no idea how much dirt it was hiding, yes I was a little disgusted at myself for not getting to it sooner but also ecstatic at its hiding power.  The only tile we had ever had before had been white and that stuff is visibly dirty as soon as the floors dry after an intense mopping session, so we gladly matched it to our room expansion.  After freshening up the place with paint (Sherwin Williams Accessible Beige) and new lighting throughout we were in love!  I had thoughts of phase 2 (painting the cabinets and adding a backsplash) already churning in my brain but this was our biggest project to date and definitely needed a little break.


 This one started out as a not so lovely beach themed room complete with textured bottom walls, a sail boat border and smooth blue walls on top.  I can be for certain that is it never ok to texturize only half of your walls...EVER!!!
We could go about this mess one of a two ways.  The easiest would have been to just put up chair railing where the texture changed and live with it, but I didn't want to do that of course.  I instead decided to skim coat the bottom with drywall mud and sand it smooth.  Apparently I didn't give myself enough time in between this and the last project as it was in a state of disrepair for 10 months.  I found it is just impossible to get anything done when your husband works crazy hours and you have small children running around, because you sure can use an electric sander during nap time, so hand sand it was!  We enjoyed this room completed for maybe 2 months before we moved!


Remember when I said I didn't recommend house hunting/purchasing when you are nine months pregnant?  Its just an overwhelming stressful time and your mind just isn't all there for obvious reasons.  We knew that we had some issues with the deck once we got our inspection report back but just didn't realize the magnitude of it all.  After a little over a year of living there I ventured out one spring afternoon to get a better look at what we were dealing with.  David and I had built a deck before and with my design experience I wanted to kick myself for all the problems I didn't notice while the baby had taken over my brain, nothing about it would pass code, so we decided it would be in the best interest to completely redo it.

We found out pretty quickly how it was possible for the deck to be in the shape it was in, there were no deck building codes in our county, which was a bit shocking and explained a lot.  All the county cared about was the easements.  This was another one of those projects that took months to complete, but we sure enjoyed the top deck while the bottom was in progress.  It was completed just one week before we listed it for sale.

David once said "this new deck ain't goin nowhere!"  my response...yeah because it was built the way it was should have been in the first place!!!

This place will always hold a special place in our hearts, both for the sweat we put into and the memories we shared in it.  But its time to move on to the next project....